AI:Dental helps dental students learn to read X-rays and diagnose with ease

With the AI:Dental app, students can test their knowledge of dental diagnosis anytime, anywhere, and for free. They will learn how to diagnose dental problems more accurately, right on their smartphones. 

Make your university stand out and integrate AI:Dental into your curriculum 

Provide the best learning opportunities for students

  • Gain new insights into dental diseases 

  • Digitalise your university 

  • Foster a digitally savvy generation of dental professionals 

  • Improve your university's reputation

  • Save costs 

How it works 

  1. Students upload 10 of their own X-rays and sign them. 

  2. AI pre-checks the X-rays and provides results. 

  3. Instructors validate the results on their computer screens. 

  4. Students receive marks for their level of accuracy.

Currently, students can train three areas of identification: caries, periapical lesions and incorrect root fillings. Soon, the app will cover all X-ray needs of endodontics and conservative dentistry. 

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