Shaping the future of dentistry with AI

We're a team of dentists and developers who build AI tools. By helping other dentists and universities to improve diagnostic precision, we’re supporting optimal oral hygiene for a healthier world.

AI:D for dentists 

Automated analysis of problematic teeth and other oral health concerns from X-ray images. 

AI:D student app 

A free learning app for students and universities to learn to read X-rays and diagnose with ease. 

Developing AI tools requires collecting X-rays.

See how we're handling patients' medical information and ensuring that both patients and dentists are clear on how the data is used, where it flows and for what purposes.

AI:Dental cares about ethics in dentistry

AI:Dental aims to be a responsible AI provider in the healthcare industry. Together with KInIT we analyse ethical and societal impacts of our system on stakeholders. We anonymise X-ray data to protect patient privacy while still allowing our app’s AI to use the user data for learning purposes.